Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Los ultimos dias

Well, i made it out of the jungle alive.  Yesterday was our last day in shell,  very sad.  We're heading to Quito today until our flight on Thursday at midnight back to the states.  I'll try to put up more pictures in an airport.  Please pray for partings with friends as well as safe travels.  Thanks!
Dios te bendiga!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Selva otra vez

Queridos amigos,
      Truth to be told, I did make it out of the jungle last time.  Many apologies that I have not updated in a while and that I may not have responded to attempts to contact me.    In the past month…(whoa, time flies!), I’ve been very busy.  We've added teaching English and piano lessons at night to a family which has kept us very busy.

Just as we were about to leave for the jungle last month.  I was nervous about the airplane.  Our pilot was Rick LaBeauf, the man who lent Steve Saint a plane when he was living with the Huaorani for a year.  Our plane was the same plane that he used, also featured in end of the spear.

Flying into the wild green yonder.

We went spear fishing in Hundayacu, I speared a fish.  Our three days in Hundaycu were quite an experience, I'm not sure that I have time to describe now.  I was able to do ISEE for our time there.

We have to eat these?  Ever seen lion king?  I ate a large roasted grub known as chantacorros.  The flavor was quite tasty, although the idea was a little weird.

This is Boice climbing a Guava tree.  We've been going to the 'Asilo de los Ancianos', which is like a day care for elderly people to do exercises with them and spend time with them.  One of the older gentlemen (who is rather deaf and difficult to understand) took us to his house during a break and asked us to climb his tree to get a Guava bean for us to eat. 

We watched Harry Potter with Andres several weeks back.  They translated 'Bloody hell' as 'mujeres'...the word for women.

Our friend Pablo.

We've been spending more time with Pablo and other friends over the past several weeks.  We had them over twice to eat and talk.  This past Wednesday, I shared my story of how I became a Christian with them.  They are definitely interested, and I believe tehy have accepted Christ, but unfortunately, they are not very passionate about God.  Several of our friends thanked us for the Christian example that we set for them, but please pray that they would also devleop a passion for Christ. 
We've also had the opportunity to talk with a new friend, Nataly about Christ.  Sandi and I went to Carlos' church for a afternoon church meeting two weeks ago where I met Nataly.  Although Nataly had gone to that church for two years now, she still did not understand many fundamentals of the Gospel.  I had the opportunity to be able to explain some of these to her, and we were able to give her a Bible so she can discover more.  Nataly is very curious and serious about finding God and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to talk to her more.  Please pray for more opportunities to talk with Nataly and that she would also find truth in the scriptures.

Walking through a path after swimming with our friends.

We learned how to weld.

Sandi y Carlos hard at work in the hanger.

Nate Saint's house back in the day.  We held Danny's daughter's birthday party there.

Andres on the far left, Galo center, and Danny on the right inspecting some welding.

Welding with Danny.  Danny is extremely passionate for the Scripture and is very concerned with making sure that we follow what the Bible actually says rather than what people may say about it; he makes a great effort to know what the Bible says.  His influence has been very catchy and I've been in the Word much more and enjoying every opportunity to do so.

We did a day trip to the mountain city of Baños this past Saturday, very fun.

Boice took a silly picture of me in Baños looking at the mountains as we ate cooked plantains, 'maduros'.

A rare snapshot of ITEC members planning.

Fixing a treadmill at the day care.  During the past several weeks, we have also helped Galo by working at his house.

Danny, Boice, and I went for a bike ride one afternoon.

¡Thanks to Boice for the photos!

Thanks be to God, I am complete with my support!  Thank you so much for all those who support this time prayerfully and financially. 

Tomorrow (well, today at this point) we are heading to the jungle Zapino, a Huaorani village for a week.  We will be working with Felipe and others under their direction to help them construct a house for Mincaye, as his previous house was burned down by an enemy.  Please be praying for safety and for efficient work as a team.  Hopefully I'll come back.  ;)

God Bless,